Friday, September 11, 2015

An Augustinian Eucharistic Prayer

Below is a Eucharistic Prayer that I wrote to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Order of Augustinians of the Immaculate Heart of Mary's original founding when myself and Bp.Christopher Tobin professed our first vows to the new community in 1993.

I had the opportunity to use it last month at our Annual Chapter and First Church Synod(Gathering). I share it here for any to use with appropriate permission from their own ecclesial authorities.

An Augustinian Eucharistic Prayer

Holy are you, God, Trinity of persons, source of Love, Love itself, and the fruits of Loving. You call us into being as your children making us in your own image. You enflame our hearts with Your love, burning with desire for union with you.

(Sung: Feed us now with the food of that loving desire as we sing to you forever and ever: Amen)

God of Abraham and Sarah, in the fullness of time, your Word was incarnate by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary. You became the Source of Grace, the Source of Good Counsel, and the Source of Consolation. One like us in all things but sin, and for us in all things bar none.

(Sung: By your Grace, flood your Holy Spirit in our midst now and forever: Amen)

By the power of that same Holy Spirit, make these simple gifts of bread and wine, symbol of your life giving creation, + the real body and blood of Jesus, Our Christ.

On the night Jesus was to initiate your recreation of the world by his supreme act of love and reconciliation, he took bread, gave you thanks and praise, broke the bread saying, “take, eat, all of you, THIS IS MY BODY which will be given up for you.

At the end of the meal, he took the wine, again gave you thanks and praise, gave it to his disciples saying, “take, drink, all of you, THIS IS MY BLOOD, the blood of the new covenant, shed for you and for all for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in memory of me.”

Sung: Condemned by justice, but Redeemed by Love, we proclaim the mystery of our faith:

Dying you destroyed our death…

Holy One, by the mystery and power of Jesus’ body and blood here present, make  all who share in it, one in mind and heart on our way to you. Make our community in Jesus’ name a place of faith, hope, and charity. Grant the fullness of life, especially to all who are baptized into Christ’s death and resurrection, and all who seek your truth with a sincere heart.

(Sung: May we be reconciled with each other by the power of your cross and resurrection now and forever. Amen)

Loving Father, keep, by your strength and wisdom the Ecumenical Patriarchs strong in faith, and our Bishop, N. a loving shepherd.  Keep us one in mind and heart by prayer and the charity of obedience. Remember all bishops, priests, and deacons who minister in your name by Word and Sacrament. Remember, too, those charged with the service of being called Prior. Give them all, by Grace, what they need to be true examples of your Christ in our communities.

Divine Love, remember all those vowed to a life of prophetic prayer and apostolic mission as exampled by Our Holy Father, Augustine. Give them the strength to love as Jesus loved and to pray as Jesus prayed.

(Sung: Make us all faithful to our baptismal profession now and forever. Amen.)

Womb of eternal life, grant to our confreres, family, friends, and benefactors, who precede us to your heavenly throne, the vision of your glory. (pause) By the reconciliation of Jesus’ paschal mystery may they be judged by their baptismal renewal of faith and join the communion of Saints in your heavenly City with Mary, Our Mother of Grace and Good Counsel, Augustine, Monica, Rita, Nicholas, Thomas of Villanova, and all your Holy Ones given to us as examples of discipleship.

May we join them in the praise of your glory as it was, is now, and will be forever,

Sung: Through him, with him, in him…
