Friday, June 29, 2007

Solemnity of Peter and Paul, Apostles

Our Holy Father Augustine wrote, "Now, if the line of bishops who succeed one another is to be considered, with how much certainty and advantage do we begin with Peter? He was the figure of the whole Church, and our Lord said to him, 'Upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail over it.' " letter 53 2-3

What is this rock of Peter? A man who denied Jesus, hid in fear, and was obstinate in opening the community to the uncircumcised. And, a man whose love for his God led him to chains and the cross in imitation of his Lord.

Upon what do we place our hearts, our lives? A one Godhead Trinity of Persons bound in love, manifesting that love incarnate in Jesus, God made human, a love that reached into our greatest fear-death, conquering with new life, and continuing to grow and invite into the Trinity of love, through the Spirit, all persons until the end of the ages. That is the legacy of Peter and Paul. They were the first ambassadors of this invitation. They showed us the ultimate answer to the challenge of this love.

God builds upon the imperfect and fallible nature of our humanity with the virtues of the gifts of faith, hope, and love. It is the gift of God's loving life in us that the gates of hell can not overcome. The love of God is infallible and perfect. Our participation and growth in that love is what defines the Church, and our Order's part in it.

Peter and Paul did not always agree on the particulars of how the faith was to grow and spread, or even who and how should initiation be offered, but they both put their lives up for the love and growth of the community to which they ministered, and we honor them BOTH for this. As Christians, may we focus more on what we hold in common rather than what separates us, acknowledge God's supremacy of love and mercy, and respect our differences and diversity of gifts.

I echo the prayer of St. Augustine for my bishop and all bishops, " Lord, teach me what to teach, and teach me what I should hold fast."


Dawn said...

Beautiful. I just discovered your site and have enjoyed and learned much from all that I have read.

I am a convert to Catholicism and feel as if there is a continual need to grow and learn and practice my faith. As the mother of two very young boys (4 years and 7 months), I struggle to find time for prayer, meditation, contemplation. Discovering a site like yours is like finding an oasis in the desert of my thirsting soul.

Thank you.

Bp. Joseph Augustine, AIHM said...

Dear Dawn,

Welcome. I am glad our site is a place of prayer and retreat for you.

I hope you visit often. Feel free to contact us anytime for help and prayerful support in your special vocation as a mother.