Sunday, October 30, 2011

Hearing the Gospel today at Occupy Philadelphia

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the let the oppressed be free." (Luke 4:18) were the words Jesus spoke in the synagogue referring to himself stating, "today this scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing." Well, today those same words of the Good News of Jesus were fulfilled in my hearing and seeing as I visited the Occupy Philadelphia community at City Hall with my sister in community, Sr. Lyngine.

We went bearing a box of coffee from Dunkin Donuts, which we had to refresh, with the intention of meeting people, speaking to them, understanding them better and maybe offering some spiritual encouragement and prayers. And, we did just that, but so much more was done unto us in return in hearing and seeing the Gospel alive.

We arrived at the camp site outside City Hall and immediately heard two men in their mid thirties, driving a large SUV, heckling the protesters by shouting, "get a job" and "get a life hippies." I turned giving them one of my famous "nun looks" of disapproval, but before I could say anything, I heard a response from the protesters, "I would love a job, got one for me?" and "Put a little hippie in your life." Lesson one from the Gospel: forgiveness and compassion.

Then, we met a wonderful man who acted as a sort of tour guide of the community. He was an artist, a painter, who has been out of work and homeless. He directed us towards some people who were in most need of some warming coffee. Lesson two: all people are dignified in their being God's creations.

A little while latter when we had run out of coffee, two people from the movement who had just gotten coffee from us taught us lesson three: charity in community. One of them gave her coffee to another outright and the other poured half of hers into another's cup. These protesters are so much more than that. They have become a real community of prophets sharing their struggles, their fears, and their hopes, trying to awaken the conscience of a nation to economic justice for all.

I did have the opportunity to pray with a few members of the community who asked, and anointed one who was in need. Also gave a few blessings to others, but mostly, we poured coffee, we listened, and were were taught the message of the Gospel today from some wonderful prophets from a community of hope.

Fr. Joseph Augustine Menna, AIHM
Pastor St. Mary of Grace Independent Catholic Church
Media, PA

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