Monday, August 6, 2012

Mourning with the Sekh Victims and Families

Brothers and sisters,

Once again a tragedy, no, an amoral act of terror and cowardice grips our nation. As I read more today about the shooting at the Sekh Temple in Wisconsin I grew very sad and angry. A deliberate act of hateful bigotry, ignorance, and murder by a person filled with hate against a peaceful religious group who seemed different. Our "founding fathers" must be turning in their graves, and certainly Our God is weeping for his children, yet again.

Let us together, again, make a show of unity for religious freedom, human love, and respect for innocent martyrs. Please make Wednesday a day of special prayer, offering the Office of the Dead for the victims and commending their families and friends, and the Sekh community to the comfort of Our Mother of Consolation. We may understand the Divine differently, but it is the same Spirit that draws us to seek out that which is beyond our human imperfections to the light of the perfect love, and that which can bring us together.

In the midst of this sad, evil, and frightening event, let us draw strength from our faith in Christ who takes this division, hate, and bigotry to the cross and CONQUERS it with LOVE! This is our strength, this is our comfort, this is our hope, this is our life in the passion, death and RESURRECTION of Our Lord!

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

Joseph Augustine+

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